Western Blot (WB) Protocol

WB plays an important role in analyzing the expression of specific proteins in cell or tissue extracts. The technique relies on specific antibodies to recognize proteins separated by size through gel electrophoresis. The success of WB is related to many factors, and the success of WB is the basis for the smooth progress of many projects. For this reason, we carefully develop antibodies and provide optimized protocols as well as reference information to keep your western blots running smoothly.

Principle of WB

WB is a technique based on specific antibodies to identify proteins separated by gel electrophoresis. Charged proteins can migrate in polyacrylamide gels under the action of an electric field. Applying an electric current induces migration of proteins from the gel to the adjacent membrane. The membrane will be treated with target antibody and visualized using the secondary antibody and detection reagent.

Fig.1 Western blot assay process. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 The workflow of western blot assay.

WB Protocol

Creative Biolabs has accumulated rich experience in the application and improvement of WB. With advanced analytical platforms and experienced scientists, Creative Biolabs offers the most diverse portfolio of natural autoantibodies (NAA) services to facilitate your project. Please contact us in time for more details.

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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